Practice Updates

My Care record– We would like to ensure there are better communictaions with local health and social care providers. This means that local hopsitals will for example be able to see your history and make better decisions about your care. See more details under Sharing your information on the left. If you do not want this to happen you can OPT out.

New Health App! A new digital tool to help people find local health services and advice launches today in west Essex. As part of the Evening and Weekend GP service, the Health help Now web site and app gives detailed advice and guidance on the most common ailments and symptoms. The tool also recommends the best place for treatment – showing which nearby services are open. See our useful links section

Emergency Line For emergencies only 01279 812908 from 8.00 am to 6.30 pm during opening hours. If you call on this line and it is not an emergency we will ask you to immediately put the phone down and call 01279 813200

Do you need to see a GP at the weekend?

A New weekend service for bookable appointments is available for our patients. You can see a GP or a Nurse and, your consultation detalis will be transferred to us.

Contact the surgery to book an appointment at Dunmow or Saffron Walden. You can find out more at

Named GP

If you do not know who your named GP is then please ask at reception or during your consultation.  

Out of Hours Emergency Telephone Number

For a medical emergency after 6.30pm please contact NHS 111 service by dialing 1-1-1. All calls to 111 are free from mobiles and landlines.

Important Changes to How We Handle Your Personal Data

We will soon be required to provide your personal data to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). The information to be extracted is NHS number,date of birth, postcode and genderThe Practice has NO choice but to allow HSCIC to extract the information.However individual patients can instruct the Practice to stop the transfer of data. For more information please go to or .

There is also further information on the website under the heading “Sharing your Information”