Meet the Team

Stansted Branch Team


Dr Christopher Leeman
MB BCh 1987 (Wits)

Dr Angus Henderson

Dr Elena Andrei
Doctor (Medic) Bucharest DTSRH

Dr Azam Bata

Dr G Berrocal
LMS Universidad de Lleida (Spain) 2008

Dr G Davidson
MB BCh (Wits)

Dr M Malawana

Nursing Team

Sally Kaemer

Jane Buckingham
Lead Nurse

Carol Kirby
Practice Nurse

Charlotte O’Neill
Practice Nurse

Kim Reed
Healthcare Assistant

Chris Townsend
Healthcare Assistant

Julia Fry
Healthcare Assistant

Chris Pocklington

Management Team

Teresa Buglass
Practice Manager

[email protected]
Direct Line 01279 818050

Aimee Barritt
Deputy Practice Manager

Suzie Constantine
Operations Manager

Reception Team




Gemma W

Gemma FD






Our receptionists are here to help you. They have a lot of information to hand and in most cases will be able to help with your enquiry, ensuring you see the most appropriate clinician hence they often ask what is wrong with you; telling them will help you get the right person to quickly see you. 
Anything that is discussed with the receptionists or any other member of the team is treated in strict confidence. We can offer privacy in a separate room if your enquiry is sensitive, although at busy times we may have to ask you to wait until a room is free. Please respect the privacy of other patients by standing well back from the reception desk until your turn.

Administrative Team

Prescription Clerk




PA & Clinical Admin Lead

Clinical Admin Lead


Medical Legal Records

Primary Healthcare Team

These teams work with the surgery as patient care is important to us.

District Nurses

We have a team of district nurses who are responsible for giving nursing care, support and advice to housebound patients suffering acute, long-term and terminal illnesses, both in their own homes and within residential care.  If you are under their care they can be contacted on 01279 871324 or via the surgery.

Community Matron

Specialises in caring for older people in their own home. They try and help patients manage their health problems to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital. If patients are admitted they liaise with hospital team to ensure a faster, effective discharge.

Health Visitors

The role of the health visitor is to improve public health by working with individuals, families and communities.  Our health visitors’ work is focused mainly on families with children from birth to five years and expectant mothers.  There is a clinic at Stansted Clinic every Tuesday between 9.30 – 11.30am.

Community Midwives

The community midwives are involved with expectant mothers and they visit mother and baby in the early days after delivery.

Community Children’s Nurses

The Community Children’s Nursing Team in West Essex is based at the Child Development Centre in Harlow, Essex.

This is a specialist team of nurses who are trained to care for sick children and young people from 0-19 years of age. Most of this care will be carried out in the family home but can also be carried out in the nurseries & schools that the child attends.

The service operates from Monday-Sunday from 8am-8pm seven days a week throughout the year.

We aim to reduce the impact of childhood illness and reduce the need for hospital admissions if it is safe to do so or facilitate an earlier discharge from hospital where appropriate.

We work in partnership with the child and family to ensure that the care needed is provided with the support of other colleagues in health, social care and education.

Referrals are welcomed from any or our clinical staff – their telephone number is 01279 808280

Elsenham Branch Team

Practice Partners

Dr David J Whooley

Registered 1995 (male)

Dr Fiona Macleod

Registered 1995 (female)

Dr Noshad Khan

Registered 2007 (male)

General Practitioners

Dr Lisa Ko

 Dr Muhammad Yasin

Clinical Support Staff

Practice Nurses

Wendy Adams 
Senior Nurse From 1.1.19

Michelle White
Practice Nurse

Our Practice Nurses are experienced and knowledgeable and can offer the following services. Blood pressure and cholesterol management Family Planning and Pre-Pregnancy Advice HRT Advice Cervical Smears Immunisations and Vaccinations, including Travel Advice ECGs Wound Care, Dressings and Stitch Removal, Hearing Tests and Ear Syringing, Spirometry, Asthma, COPD and cardiac care.

Healthcare Assistant

Rosalynd Hayden
Healthcare Assistant

For advice on which Nurse or Health Care Assistant can best meet your needs please discuss with the reception staff when making an appointment.

Management Team

Teresa Buglass
Practice Manager

[email protected]

Dispensary Support Staff


  • Belinda Catton – Joint Dispensary Lead
  • Maria Bradley – Joint Dispensary Lead
  • Jacquie Atkinson
  • Yvonne Whittle
  • Michelle Wright

As a Dispensing Practice, we have three qualified dispensers who can dispense for our patients under the supervision of the general practitioners. If you have a prescription query which you would like to discuss in private, please ask our dispensing staff who will be pleased to show you to a quiet room.

Administrative Support Staff

Practice Administration

  • Jo-Anne Munday
  • Nicola Bonney
  • Susannah Davies

Reception & Medical Administration

  • Barbara Findlay
  • Christine Howe
  • Janice Williams
  • Susan Scott
  • Lynn Weymouth
  • Sue Richardson
  • Vicki Norman

Office/reception supervisor, practice administrator, receptionists, secretaries, notes summariser, audit clerk; all of whom will deal with your enquiries and requests as efficiently as possible whilst respecting your confidentiality.

Our receptionists and administration staff have a lot of information at their fingertips and will be able to answer many of your queries. They also act as a link between other members of the team.

If you are in doubt about any matter, ask the receptionist. Anything you tell her will be treated in absolute confidence; if she does not know the answer, she will ask someone who does.

Our Practice Manager, Receptionists and Administrators always do their best to help you. Sometimes it may not be possible to offer you the exact appointment that you want, but we would hope to offer a suitable alternative. We would ask you to be patient, as at times the reception staff are very busy.

Primary Healthcare Team

The Community Matron

The community matron looks after patients on the community virtual ward and is responsible for case managing some of our patients. She can be contacted via the district nurses office (see below) although you will need to be referred by your GP.

The District Nurses

The District Nurses are responsible for giving nursing care, support and advice to those people suffering acute, long-term and terminal illnesses, both in their own homes and within residential care. They can be contacted on: 01279 871324.

The District Midwives

A team of District Midwives care for pregnant women until 10 days after the baby is born. They can be contacted on 01279 827103. Antenatal and Parenting classes are held at the Dunmow Clinic and Stansted Clinic. If you think you are pregnant, you can choose whether to make an appointment with your midwife directly or your preferred GP who can both organise your ongoing maternity care.

The Health Visitor

The role of the Health Visitor is to improve public health by working with individuals, families and communities. Our health visitor’s work is focused mainly on families with children from birth to five years.

The health visitor can be contacted on 01279 814805 (answer phone). She holds a Child Health clinic at the practice once a month on the first Thursday of the month between 2.00pm – 3.00 p.m. She also visits families with children under 5 years old at home.

Associated Specialists

There is also a limited service provided at the surgery by a Dietitian. Your doctor may refer you to these.